This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Jón Hörður Guðjónsson 18 years, 7 months ago.
Við erum alltaf að heyra af allskonar galdratólum og pillum sem minnka eyðslu um 25-30% og auka afl mikið. CNN og Popular Mechanics létu gera smá könnun fyrir sig:
Einnig hafa opinberir aðilar skoðað ýmsan búnað án þess að nokkur hafi gert það sem hann átti að gera.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency did not test the same products that we did, but it has checked out more than 100 products that make similar gas-saving claims over the last 30 years and none has worked, according to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson.
„It’s a scam,“ Johnson said.
Experts said the best way to squeeze more miles per gallon out of a vehicle is to ensure that tires are inflated properly. They said this simple step can save as much as 10 percent on fuel mileage.
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