This topic contains 13 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Stefán Stefánsson 16 years, 10 months ago.
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Hafa einhverjir skoðað eða prófað svona Diesel Gas kerfi
Ástralinn er voða hrifin af þessu og sumir segja þetta bestu breytinguna sem þeir hafi gert á sínum jeppum…Í stuttu máli á þetta að minka eyðslu og auka afl með því að gasa intakið í diesel bílum… hérna smá tekið af síðu framleiðandans:
What is DieselGas?
What if there was a system that could be fitted to your diesel 4WD, light commercial vehicle or campervan that could not only provide more power and torque, but guaranteed better economy and cheaper running costs? What if this system also guaranteed extended range and eliminated the black exhaust plume?
What if this system also cleaned your engine internally, and kept the engine oil cleaner for longer?
So, a system that provides up to 20% more power and torque, provides up to a 20% reduction in fuel costs, increases range by up to 20%, reduces engine wear, clears the black plume and reduces all other emissions?
What? Surely this is impossible?
Up until now, yes. However, an LPG injection system for diesel engines, developed and produced here in Australia, does all of this, no question. You can run your diesel on gas!
How does it Work?
A small amount of LPG is injected under pressure into the engine via the air intake system. This gas acts as an accelerant to increase combustion effiency, ensuring all of the diesel injected is burnt at the best possible time. Most diesel engines have an effiency rate of 75-80%, with the remainder of the diesel being burnt at times that does not produce power. This is a waste. With a DieselGas Sequent System, this effiency rate goes up to 95-98% or higher .
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